Pixie is a very tiny CW transmitter cum recover for 7 MHz, which has a power output in milliwatts, it is a long-range amateur transmitter then could be build for any specific ham radio band, but the kit we have recommended works on 40mt band. The CW transmitters are operated by amateur radio enthusiasts from around the world. It is generally used for two-way communications in cw mode.
Pixie has been a very popular design and has been used by many ham radio operators. It has been used in many countries around the world due to its simple and tiny design that has only a handfull of components.
The kit is easy to build and there is more then enough information available on Pixie on many websites.
The Pixie is so small that it can fit in your shirts pocket.
It can also be used for outdoor activities using batteries.
The Pixie CW transmitter kit can be purchased from Banggood.
We leave you with a link o purchase the Pixie CW transmitter jit from Bangood.