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Friday, February 27, 2015

New PCB Bitx3B 3C Exciter And PA

The new printed circuit boards for Bitx3B Bitx3C And PA are ready, these are the boards on which we have done the modifications for RX antenna cut off on transmit mode.

 Good news the kits for Bitx3B and Bitx3C are ready and we shall start selling them from 1 March 2015 on wards. Keep a watch on our website and ebay shop if you would like to purchase the kit.

Published below are a few pictures  of our  new  modified Bitx3B and PA built recently.

 A brief summary of mods done for new boards are as given below.

 1. Bitx3B Exciter,mod done to disconnect of Exciter RX Ant on Transmit.
 2. Bitx3C Exciter, mod done to disconnect of Exciter RX Ant on Transmit.

 New PA Board mod done:

 1. Disconnection of RX Antenna on Transmit at P5.
 2. Selection of 12 or 24 Volts for Final.
 3. Capacitors 0.01 across all four IN4007. 4. IN4007 across both relays.
 4. PC Fan 12 Volts for cooling transistors.

Bitx3B Exciter Silk Screen 

Bitx3B Exciter  Solder Side 

Bitx3B/3C PA Silk Screen 

Bitx3B/3C Solder Side

Bitx3B Built Exciter 

Bitx3B/3C Built PA

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