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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Bitx Pcb

Due to being very busy,during the last few months in 2007 I could not put in much activity for the Bitx.
The new year 2008 will bring in some more modifications for the Bitx,from members in yahoo Bitx group.The Bitx has become into a type of open source project,where you modify and modify,each modification bringing an improvement in the tcvr.

A new set of PCB of Bitx is ready,with complete masking,roller tinning and placement of components on the pcb,this will help as it makes easier to place components much faster on the pcb board.

Work is also under way,with Om Rahul Vu3WJM for bringing out a frequency counter pcb and a new linear pcb,that will operate up-to 30 Mhz,with 12 volts,and give power upto 5-7 watts,with a higher voltage the power could increase drastically.

I wish to thank Dan for the first person putting up a comment on my blog :0)

The Avala sdr 01 monobander pcb is also available with me,so if you wish to go on the air with sdr,then just drop me a mail,so I can get the pcb sent to your qth :0)

Stay Tuned...............
Sunil L

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dan Reynold's Bitx

My friend Dan Reynold from States is the first ham,amongst some other ham's to whom I had sent Bitx Kits,but Dan is the first ham who has put his Bitx on the air waves and also made some contacts.I wish Dan all the best for further trying to upgrade the Bitx with a frequency counter.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bitx Version 3 On Glass Epoxy PCB

The picture of Bitx version 3 pcb, on glass epoxy has been posted here.I have just completed this pcb for a friend.
The need of the hour is for Bitx to have an on-board frequency counter,and VU3 WJM Om Rahul is working on it.The next Bitx pcb should be sporting a frequency counter very soon.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Homebrewing the Bitx

Homebrewing the Bitx is a challenge for a new Ham, it may not be for old timers. It would be a good start to study the article, layouts and the circuit diagram first, this will get you fimiliar with the different sections of the tcvr, and also make you fimiliar with the whole set-up.

Having some basic tools will make the testing easier, A digital multimeter,an RF probe, and a frequency counter is all you require to go ahead with your project.So go ahead and heat the iron,and put up your BITX on the air waves.

Good luck to all friend's who are homebrewing the BITX.

Friday, March 30, 2007

BITX Gallery

Bitx is one such ham radio tcvr,which has generated interest among radio amateurs worldwide. Its amazing to see that hams all around the world are trying to homebrew a Bitx tcvr,depending upon the choice of band of the individual constuction preferance of a person,but 20mt band being the most popular amongs't the other bands. Some pictures of BITX,have been displayed here,these are the pictures of the Bitx build by different hams worlwide.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bitx Pcb Corrections

In the version 3 glass epoxy pcb care is to be taken while placing the IFT rosy coils in bandpass filter,as the two side holes are small,and pushing the can too hard may brake the coils,so it is better to enlarge the two side holes,which ground the coil can to pcb earth.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Featured Post

   My Journey with Amateur Radio: Sunil Lakhani (VU3SUA) Shares His Story Hello, fellow radio enthusiasts! This is Sunil Lakhani, also known...