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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Poll results for ACP cabinet

My thanks to all friends for taking part in a poll for knowing if the ACP cabinet would be a suitable choice for a cabinet for Bitx.
Most of the members have found the idea unique for Bitx to have a ACP cabinet.
I would request all members to kindly express their opinion on what type of cabinet they prefer amongst the metal cabinets, and if possible drop me a mail expressing their choice of cabinet.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

CW For Bitx and CW Filter

It gives me great pleasure in introducing my friend Om Tony Fletcher m0pkd from the
United Kingdom. Tony had purchased a Bitx Version 3 kit from my ebay shop and in a very short time had build the receiver of the Bitx.
It is an appreciated effort on the part of Tony as this is his first home brew for a
SSB TCVR as Tony as an cw enthusiast.

Tony has also come up with a simple solution for the Bitx to work on a 400 Khz cw filter,which can be switched for ssb/cw
The circuit is posted here

I am presenting one more circuit sent to me by Tony ,this circuit for the benefit of all wishing to add cw to their Bitx with a very little work.

We thank Tony for his great effort in making the Bitx to work on a filter suitable for cw mode with a very simple technique.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bitx Manual And ACP Cabinet for Bitx Version 3

Om Leonard is working on the Bitx Version 3 Manual and he has completed some sections, hopefully the complete manual should be complete soon.
The Bitx version 3 PCB is getting a new silk screen so now the component placement will be much clearer from the earlier one. The Linear board is also getting a silk screen according to the components placement as suggested by Leonard modifications.
Hope fully we are moving in the right direction and making the Bitx version 3 more easy to construct by providing the correct info for components.

A new poll has been put up for an ACP cabinet for Bitx, kindly take part in poll and let us know your opinion on it.
Kind regards to all.
Sunil Lakhani VU3SUA

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bitx Version 3 Facts

Hi. I would like to thank Arv Evans for his very frank opinion posted in Yahoo Bitx Group on the Bitx sets available in complete kit form and semi kit form.
I had started out giving the Bitx mini kit to the forum members as there was no PCB available for Bitx, I belief this started before the Bitx 20 a. The aim was just to help members get the bandpass coils and pcb. The cost is also very economical for a ham from any part of the world. The start price of $10 for a mini kit can not be considered a business venture or selling kits to make profits,when you know the pitfalls and the comments which may be good or bad.
Since the documentation was missing, my aim is to provide the maximum info about Bitx, the main docs of Farhan and layouts of VU3WJM mods.
I did not venture in selling the whole kit just because of incomplete documentation,but Leonard has done a great job in making so much of info available in regards to Bitx VER 3.

I think a couple a dollars spent on version 3 would just be about a parking ticket in US. So the motive is not to earn money but to help people who have a limited budget for the hobby.
It requires help from a couple of guys to document and distribute a project and I have been doing my best with the limited resources and time.

I am also posting this thread on my blog also for my friends to get a clear picture as what to expect with the Bitx version 3 kit.

Many of my Italian friends have build the Bitx version 3 with success and this drives home a point that the basic building blocks for making the ssb tcvr are same and we need an alert mindset to study the design and adapt from the basic design and not be let down by just a few documents . But in due course a full documentation of version 3 will be available as Om Leonard is working on it, and we hope to meet the aspirations of your expectations.
Sunil Lakhani VU3SUA

Monday, October 6, 2008

News from Leonard

Om Leonard has been the very kind in giving his valuable time for Bitx Version 3.
We have some great pictures from Leonard for his Bitx version 3. Its equally great to
learn that that his Bitx is performing great and has a clean output of 5 watts as seen on a scope

I am putting up the post that Leonard had made on the Bitx Yahoo Groups below.

Last week I re-connected my version 3 boards and conducted some

Here's a picture of the assembled set:
http://golddredgerv kc0wox/bitxver3/ completesetup. jpg

Here's a picture of my output signal. 55 volts pk-pk = 5 watts pwer
http://golddredgerv kc0wox/bitxver3/ pa5wattsout. jpg

I'm currently awaiting delivery of a new set of boards and I will
make a step-by-step procedure for the build using them. This should
make the process easier for the less than experienced builder.
Meanwhile, you can find my current documentation at
http://golddredgerv kc0wox/bitxver3/ bitx20version3. htm

http:www.kc0wox. com

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pictures Of I0VBR Vittorio Bitx Version 3

It is very pleasing for me to post some very delighting pictures sent by our Italian Good Friend Vittorio I0VBR of his Bitx Version 3 qrp tcvr. Vittorio has also thanked his friend Piero Zirini - IW0QAS. for his contribution.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Pictures Of Bitx Version 3 By VK2ZYZ Charley

Charley VK2ZYZ has done a wonderful job with his Bitx. The pictures of Bitx fitted in Copper Clad Boards seems to be quite impressive,well done Charley.

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